Basic Exercises To Manage Vestibular Disorder

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The damage to the vestibular system that helps control balance and eye movements leads to common symptoms like dizziness and lack of balance. To improve balance and reduce dizziness-related problems, there are certain do-at-home exercises that are of great help.

Benefits Of These Exercises:

  • Relax the neck and shoulder muscles
  • Train the eyes to move independently of the head
  • Improve general co-ordination,
  • Encourage natural unprompted movement.

Exercises to be Performed While Sitting

·         Eye Movements

Eye Movements
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What to do?

  • Look from side to side
  • Look up and down
  • Convergence exercise (Focus on finger moving from 3 feet to 1 foot away from face)
How to do?
Start slow and gradually pick up speed. Repeat this exercise 10 times twice a day.

·         Head Movements

Head Movements
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What to do?
  • Bend head forward and backward
  • Turn head from side to side.
How to do?
Start slow, pick up speed, and then perform with closed eyes. Repeat this exercise 10 times twice a day.

·         Shoulder Movements

Shoulder Movements
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What to do?
  • Shrugging & rotating shoulders.
How to do?
Start slow, pick up speed, and then perform with closed eyes.Repeat this exercise 10 times twice a day.

Body Movements

Body Movements
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What to do?
  • Bend forward towards the ground while sitting on a chair.
How to do?
Start slow, pick up speed, and then perform with closed eyes. Repeat this exercise 10 times twice a day.
Exercises to be Performed While Standing

·         Sit Ups

Sit Ups
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What to do?
  • Sit down on a hair and stand up again and again for 10 times twice a day.

·         Ball Throwing

Ball Throwing
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What to do?
  • Throw a ball to another person under the knee level.
Ball Throwing 1
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What to do?
  • Throw a ball to another person above eye level.
Exercises to be Performed While Moving
  • Walking In A Room
Walking In A Room
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What to do?
  • Walk inside a room with eyes open and closed
  • Walking Up & Down the steps
Walking Up & Down the steps
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What to do?
  • Walk up and down the steps with eyes open and then closed.
Dos and Don’ts of  Vestibular Exercises:
Do these things before doing these exercises:
  • Do ensure that you are in a safe environment before you start any of the exercises to reduce the risk of injury.
  • Do not panic if you experience dizziness whilst doing these exercises. This is completely normal.
  • Do consult a specialist or physiotherapist before performing these exercises.
Do not perform these exercises in the following conditions:
  • Sudden change or fluctuation in hearing
  • Onset of pressure or a feeling of fullness in your ear to the point of discomfort or pain (many people experience a slight increase in ear pressure but pain should never occur)
  • Onset of ringing in your ears or a sudden change in intensity of already existing ringing
  • Fluid discharge from your ears
  • Pain and discomfort in your neck and back associated with doing the exercises

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